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How much does a Commercial Lift cost?

When considering price it is essential to ensure that the lift you are selecting is fit for purpose. So how much does a Commercial lift cost?

The basic points to consider are:

Commercial lifts need to meet the Building Code of Australia for disabled Access. This will vary depending on the application so consult a Building Surveyor for what your project requires.

The lifts must also conform to a recognized lift code such as AS1735 or EN81

The lift must meet AS3000 for electrical installations.

Once you have determined the size and rated load of your lift with the Building Surveyor or disabled access consultant you are in a position to discuss your project with suppliers.

To obtain a firm quote you will need working drawings for your project so you might need to visit a few show rooms to determine which companies you would consider.

Face to face discussions with suppliers can save very costly mistakes. Be careful of companies that do not have show rooms and experienced sales staff.

When comparing prices the following are the main points:

  • What speed does the lift travel at, is it appropriate for the size and use of the building?
  • What finishes are offered within the quote?
  • What structure is required to support the lift? Does it have its own support structure?
  • What is the quality of the motor, drive, and electronics? Is it German, Italian, Chinese, Etc? Country of manufacture is a good guide to quality. Quality and safety are closely linked.
  • Does the company have spare parts and a quality maintenance department in your city? This is a significant cost for a company to establish and maintain but will save the customer significantly in repairs and maintenance.
  • What are the qualifications of the lift installers?

Price Range:

For a two stop lift, prices range from $50,000 + GST to $200,000 + GST.

Always remember that quality and safety are everything in today's buildings. Long after the building is finished the builder is responsible for the safety of those using the lift.

If you require independent advice, contact LESA.

They will be happy to advise and recommend a lift consultant who can best represent your interests.

Lift Engineers Society Victoria (LESA)

Published: August 3, 2015

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